Even in Los Angeles it’s Possible
*UPDATE 6-25-22- The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on June 23, 2022 in the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen case that the 2nd Amendment extends to the right for protection outside of the home. The justices ruled 6-3 that it was unconstitutional to require a special need in order to obtain a CCW permit. Effectively, the California Attorney General quickly issued an AG Alert that directed all law enforcement agencies that issue permits to stop requiring a “Good Cause” reason from applicants. It is yet to be seen what other requirements will now be added by way of demonstrating “Good Character” or what new “sensitive areas” may be added to the list of prohibited locations to carry firearms, but the current situation has seen a very quick expansion of issuance of licenses. Future California laws will be tested in the courts according the new standards set by the Supreme Court this week.
You may have heard the news that the policies regarding California Concealed Firearm Licenses, also known as “CCW Permits”, have become less restrictive in a few counties and you’d like to know how to go about obtaining one. Historically, Los Angeles County has been one of the most difficult counties to live in if you want a CCW. Even after the 2014 Peruta vs. San Diego District Court ruling which initially sided in favor of applicants, Los Angeles did nothing to loosen restrictions on their CCW issuance. However, as recently as 2020, the sheriff’s department unexpectedly began changing their policies which have resulted in an exponential increase in the number of issued permits. Additionally, as mentioned above, the 2022 Supreme Court decision struck down the requirement to have a “good cause” reason for desiring a permit. Any law abiding citizen can now obtain a permit and we would encourage anyone who desires a CCW permit to apply and to do so quickly.
The following steps will guide you through the CCW process in Los Angeles County:
1. Decide which jurisdiction does the CCW issuance where you live. Unlike most counties, the Los Angeles County Sheriff has remanded the authority of CCW issuance back to the individual cities and their chief’s of police. Unless the county services your city or unincorporated area, you will have to go directly to your city police department to file an application. If your application is denied by your local PD for any reason, you may then take the evidence of that denial to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and reapply under the LASD’s policies and process.
2. Fill out the California Department of Justice Standard Application for Concealed Firearms Permit thoroughly, completely Sections 1-8 and sign pages 3, 8, and 11. You can then take the completed application to your local Sheriff Station or mail it with a $30 non-refundable check or money order made payable to Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD). If you want to mail the application, send it to:
Hall of Justice
ATTN: CCW Coordinator
211 West Temple Street 8th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90012
3. Once the application is received, you will be contacted to schedule an interview. You must bring the following documents to your interview:
- Valid California Driver’s License, or California Identification Card
- Original Birth Certificate, or Naturalization Certificate, or Valid US Passport
- Proof of Los Angeles County Residency (utility bill)
- DD-214 (if applicable)
4. Complete your Live Scan fingerprinting. After your background investigation has been completed, you will be contacted by the CCW coordinator to proceed with your firearms training class. We can provide your approved training either by private appointment at your home or office in Los Angeles County or you can join us in Orange County for public classes. At this time however, L.A. County residents can only participate in the “in-person” classes where they are physically present in the classroom or remotely by Zoom. The county sheriff will not accept classes done through our “blended learning” online classes, so please do not sign-up for those versions of the class if this is your situation.
5. Once you complete the firearms training course, you will email a copy of the signed Shooting Proficiency form to CCW_Unit@lasd.org . The CCW Coordinator will then contact you to schedule a pick-up date for your license. Pay your remaining balance of $120 to LASD by check or money order when you pick up your license.